Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  • What should I do when someone dies and how do I organise the conveyance from the place of death?
    If you are at home, firstly contact your family doctor. If your doctor is unavailable, contact the police. If you are unsure, contact us at any time, 24/7, and we will guide you through the correct procedures.
  • Burial or cremation?
    This is a personal choice usually conveyed by the person concerned, prior to death. If you are unsure please contact us 24/7 to discuss all your options.
  • Can I design the funeral ceremony?
    Yes, absolutely. We can discuss this in detail with you at the time of arrangements.
  • Can I select a casket through you?
    Yes, absolutely. We can discuss this in detail with you at the time of arrangements. We have a full range available.
  • Can I hire a hearse through you?
    Yes, we have different styles of hearse coaches available for the family to choose from.
  • Is embalming necessary?
    No, it is not always necessary but it is highly recommended by us. We can discuss this in more detail at the time of arrangements.
  • What is the difference between a Celebrant and a Church Minister?
    A Funeral Celebrant, similar to a Wedding Celebrant, is very professional at arranging and conducting a funeral service ceremony. The service can either be of a religious, semi-religious or non-religious nature. A Church Minister would usually conduct the funeral service within the procedures of their religion they belong to. These options can be discussed in more detail at the time of funeral arrangements.
  • Are you able to organise the chapel or venue hire?
  • Are you able to organise the reception lounge or venue hire and catering?
  • Are you able to assist with funeral service sheets?
  • Can you assist with floral casket spray and/or floral arrangements?
  • Do you organise the newspaper notices?
    Yes. We can arrange and place all national and most international editions.
  • Can you assist with an ashes urn?
    Yes. We have a full range of ashes urns available.
  • Can you assist with a grave marker?
  • Do you organise the cremation permit / and advise of the doctor’s fee?
  • Do you organise the New Zealand Death Certificate?
  • Can you assist with memorial books?
  • Is a funeral service recording a service that you provide, and how does this work?
    At most venues we can arrange for the funeral service to be recorded via Webcast as well as an Audio and Video Recording.
  • Are you able to create PowerPoint presentations on our behalf?
    At most venues this can be arranged.
  • Can our own choices of music and/or video be played ?
    At most venues this can be arranged.

If you have any more questions that have not been covered here please contact us on 09 276 9000.